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Posts tagged ‘Kevin Pitcock’

Coffee With Kevin Pitcock

Up until a year and a half ago Kevin Pitcock, owner of  Peak Trading, was not a coffee drinker. And by that we mean he never drank coffee. Ever.

Then, one night out for dinner with a friend, he ordered an espresso, just to give it a shot (if you will). He loved it. Since then he’s been a regular here at HCT, coming to see us from his offices in West Hurley to get a cup of what he refers to as “the real deal.”

If you’ve ever seen a Broadway show where scenery or actors “fly in” from backstage, visited a ropes course (like the new one up at Hunter Mountain), seen window washers cleaning the grit off  a skyscrapers windows or witnessed an aerial rescue, chances are that the gear Kevin’s company sells was involved. Peak trading is a wholesale distributor specializing in cable, chain, wire rope, rope, rigging hardware and more. They also manufacture slings- not the kind for your arm- the kind that can be seen lifting large steel beams for the construction of skyscrapers or bridges.  Their clients include everyone from Broadway production companies, Fire Departments, Ropes courses, Rescue workers, Window washers, Bridge inspectors, Arborists, Steeple Jacks and any one else you can think of that needs to suspends, haul, repel, hang or otherwise rig.

You can find them on line at: http://www. or visit them at Northern Sling and Industrial Supply Full Commercial Construction Supply (wholesale to the trade) at 33 Basin Road, West Hurley

Knowing all this as we do about Kevin we couldn’t help but.. rope… him in to answer 10 QUESTIONS HCT STYLE:

What’s your HCT regular order?
Two Espresso shots

If you could have a room stacked full of any one thing- what would it be?
Hagan Daz Vanilla Ice Cream

What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?
Place an order on my new ecommerce website <>

What is the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?
Don’t take things personally

Who is your real life hero?
Ira Kaplan

What’s something that offends you?
Self imposed ignorance

If you could have been at one event in history, what would it be?
The signing of the US Constitution so I could ask them if they meant it to be a rigid doctrine or something modestly dynamic that takes into consideration the changing times.

How has your life been different than you imagined it would be when you were a teenager?
I’m luckier now

What’s your greatest virtue?

What’s your greatest weakness?
Self Discipline

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